Why We Recommend Using Professional Carpet Cleaning Solutions Over Homemade

America is a nation of do-it-yourselfers — even when it comes to cleaning their carpets. Some go as far as to concoct their own cleaning solution, using a special recipe of ingredients they have around the house. Is that a good idea?
We strongly recommend against it, based on our analysis of the common reasons people give for making their own carpet cleaning solution. Let’s look at the key points of arguments for homemade solutions:
Argument #1: Homemade solutions are cheaper.
While the per-gallon cost of “a little vinegar and water” will certainly appear cheaper than the typical carpet cleaning formula, the actual cost may be much higher over the long run. Why? Because using a homemade formula may be doing damage that is not visible to the eye.
For example, one or two cleanings using basic household detergents or cleaning methods can actually strip away any protective coatings (such as StainProtect® Protector) that your carpet may have. Over time, this loss of stain protection can leave your carpet vulnerable to dirt, stains, and wear. In fact, it may void the manufacturer’s warranty on your carpet, leaving you with no recourse when damage occurs.
Argument #2: Homemade solutions are safer for the environment.
Our Rug Doctor® by BISSELL® cleaning solutions are earth friendly formulas with biodegradable detergents. They contain no heavy metals, dyes, or optical brighteners.
Argument #3: Homemade solutions clean better.
Most soap products and detergents are better suited to grease removal than carpet cleaning. Due to their chemical composition, they tend to leave behind a sticky residue that actually attracts dirt. That means cleaning with the wrong “recipe” can eventually result in carpets that are more deeply soiled
Even more worrisome, certain combinations of typical household chemicals can be very dangerous. The ammonia in some cleaning solutions can react with chlorine (which is often found in chlorine bleach or some toilet bowl cleaners) to produce chlorine gas, which is very dangerous and can be fatal.
In any case, the result you’re most likely after—a cleaner, healthier home—may actually be more elusive if you turn to “home recipes” for carpet cleaning. Rug Doctor® by BISSELL® cleaning solutions are designed for homes with kids and pets, so you do not have to worry about “healthier” cleaning solution alternatives.
Professional solutions really do clean better.
It’s right there in the science. Every year, BISSELL reinvests in our state-of-the-art research department, always striving to find the safest, most effective and most efficient carpet cleaning methodologies. Based on a thorough understanding of the “chemistry of cleaning,” our team of scientists has created a lineup of carpet cleaning formulas that have demonstrated their ability to clean better than homemade cleaning formulas.
Typically, each of our formulas will contain some combination of 8-10 core ingredients that are designed to maximize the formula’s performance. Each ingredient plays its own role, and the interaction of these ingredients helps to optimize your cleaning results.
So, when it comes to deep cleaning your carpet, it’s important to use our upright cleaning solutions that are designed to go along with a Rug Doctor® by BISSELL® rental carpet cleaner. Our professional-strength deep cleaning solutions are designed specifically for our carpet cleaner rentals. We offer a variety of machine cleaning solutions, including Max Advanced, Oxy, Pet and Refresh formulas.
The bottom line? To maximize your results, we recommend that you always use only our carpet cleaning solutions. Just choose the one that is best suited to your needs.